diner, n. eating establishment candidates and journalists consider the oracle of American wisdom. Ex:Although Times, CNN, and …
focus group, n., panel of ordinary citizens hired to tell a candidate what would make them frightened enough to vote for him.
fossil fuels, n., energy source formed by decaying fossils which currently power the dinosaurs roaring on interstates and in Congress.
outrage , n., 1. sense of fury felt by party members forced to live in a two-party system; 2., addictive drug peddled by the 24/7 cable networks. Ex:By refining raw resentment into pure outrage, Tucker Carlson, Ann Coulter and others have made outrageous fortunes.
primary, n. the political process that begins the selection of the world’s most powerful leader through a series of bake-offs in Iowa.
school choice, n., promise to save our schools by letting students choose the school where they’ll refuse to do their homework.swing state, n., state that voted for the winning candidate in the last election but still has problems.