The most critical election since the Civil War is less than six months away!
Polls say this. Polls say that. The news, the candidates, the pundits all chime in. What’s a grassroots group to do? To do Now? Right NOW!
DON’T WAIT is a regular feature of the Grassroots Connector. Last month, we wrote about the urgency of registering high school seniors before they graduate in June. This month?
Youth voter registration remains vital but for May’s Don’t Wait!, we are reaching out to you, our 2,500 readers. Tell us what your group is doing — now! Tell us why it’s important to do this — now! And tell us how the rest of us can start doing it. . .
Let us know through e-mail:
Or let us know in comments below.
Now is the time to tell us what you’re doing. And we will spread the word. DON’T WAIT!
I’m a member of several groups but the one I’m most involved with is Simon Rosenbergs Hopium Chronicles which is found on Substack.
Your question is a good one IMO.
#1. ( IMO again) is the Hopium Chronicles priority for political knowledge. Read, share, analyze the political situations and learn facts vs falling for misinformation. We’re being offered a Masters Class Level of Knowledge from an exceptional experienced specialist in Political Analysis. Absorb, become knowledgeable about the challenges to democracy and the challenges against democracy from the MAGA crowd and their runners. Back issues of HC are available as educational information for all new subscribers. There are daily written updates most days and video forums every two weeks. We learn how and why to use that new knowledge.
2.Be intentional in channeling your anxieties and fears into Actions and reaching goals. The motto is: Worry less, do more! This may sound cute or catchy but this group is serious. We all worry, we all have our eyes wide open to the viciousness, chaos and toxicity around us. However, This is where we bring our ( eyes wide open!) best work attitude. Sharing resources, ideas, info to unify for the battle in front of us. We ask all not to bring hand wringing or endless negative venting to HC site. It absorbs too much energy we need to use on saving our democracy. Respectfully there are plenty of sites to vent but this is not it: we’re like the 4th quarter of a very active basketball game and we need to relentlessly focus and communicate effectively towards our goals. We’re here to win through our effort. Are there distractions? Differences of opinions? Sure; however we somehow always stay on track.
Communicate, support, clarify, celebrate.
In Nancy Pelosis words: we don’t agonize, we organize!
3.Be information “ Warriors”- Counter the MAGA/PUTIN/FOX misinformation war constantly. Instead forward facts, truths, ideas endlessly to friends and neighbors and family members. Present at meetings and conferences. Use our voices LOUDLY to counter disinformation. Use the knowledge we learned in step one to fight the waves of lies.
4. Do whatever you can do: Postcard, Speak, Donate, Canvass, Voter Registration, Internet services, voter rides, contact your representatives over and over again. If you can’t be involved, support those who can be actively involved. If you can’t be boots on the ground, support groups on the ground. One of our subscribers has postcarding parties where they complete 600-1000 PC in an evening; then go on individually to do more almost daily. They’ve learned to “ just DO SOMETHING”
5. Educate: your family, your friends your neighbors to all you are learning. Influence them to become involved.
6. Be available as a group to mobilize resources to a needed area: Ohio? Yes!
Va, Yes! Ny 3? Yes! Az? yes! On and on….
7.Amplify efforts: So many of our members are parts of much larger groups. This means coalitions are actively being built. Organically. We work to unify our efforts while keeping our individuality as a group. We’re just learning of the work of many, many other grassroots groups. And we’re all benefiting from the power of many.
You may want to look up Ben Wexler and read about Michigans 10 year plan to make change! He’s amazing. Mi got rid of the stranglehold the GOP had on them. Another state role model that shares their granular work ( forms, educational materials, etc) and turned themselves around is New Mexico. And even now Arizona is in a battle for their political souls. There are probably more but these are the ones I’m most familiar. Whoops: Plus Anderson Clayton the new head of state Democratic committee in NC. She’s just starting out too.