By Martha Merson
Typically Americans who make New Year’s resolutions focus on health, diet, and to a lesser extent, finances. What about our civic life?? Why do people I don’t even know keep telling me what I should do? The emails come in urging me to join a zoom, call a senator, sign a petition, donate, donate, donate. What if WE share our resolutions and challenge each other in big and small ways?
Super Star Activists
If you’re a Super Star activist, your list probably looks something like this. And you will probably finish the list by February 2. Go for it!
Register every 17- and 18-year-old enrolled in high school in the tri-state area.
Hack right-wing media disinformation and scramble the messages.
Set up a voter registration table at local basketball games.
Read every piece of research on non-voters.
Raise funds and issue a call for young adults to create and submit TikTok videos on legislative issues for a stipend.
Develop a stand-up comedy routine on political topics that also is a tool for pre-bunking disinformation. Take it on the road.
Protest the use of textbooks that have whitewashed history. Hold a rally. Give an interview for the NY Times.
Organize with SEIU and the Working Families Party to adopt limits and better policy on medical debt. Craft language for a ballot initiative and gather thousands of signatures.
Take over the state Democratic party.
Design a magic carpet so to facilitate visiting swing districts and canvassing without using fossil fuels.
And for the Everyday Activists like me who are pacing themselves
I like a list with tasks that can be checked off. Even at the outset of a new year, I’m looking for doable, achievable ideas that can have an impact.
Attend a training with Indivisible’s Truth Brigade and report back.
Register students at a nearby high school.
Volunteer to work with a political science class at a community college.
Schedule a listening session with an elected official; invite neighbors (without Trump signs) to attend.
Do some serious brainstorming with my local group to think up new ways of reaching voters beyond canvassing, phone banking, and postcarding.
Attend a school board meeting. Ask officials about their textbook buying policy.
Ask the local library director for suggestions on how to be an effective ally. Write a newsletter article about the suggestions.
Take a class, any class that helps with communication (cartooning, making and editing videos, etc.)
Refuse to be disheartened for more than 10 minutes a day.
Keep in mind the wise words of longtime activist Chris Bowers: “Remember, we have no obligation to defend everything Democrats do, nor do we have to have an opinion about every single news cycle. By choosing not to be shocked, appalled or outraged, we stand a chance of maintaining equanimity and peace of mind.”
Above all, stay engaged in 2025. This is the most important New Year’s resolution of all.
Very sensible ideas. Thanks🎈
Thank you!