They know too much about TikTok, but perhaps not enough about ballots and voting. GenZ (ages 11-26 years old) is also known as the “Plurals” because they are comfortable with diversity and compromise.
Recent surveys show that voting age Plurals support the right to abortion and are further left on immigration policy than the overall electorate. They are also numerous, representing 20 percent of the U.S. population. This year, four million students will graduate from high school. But their registration rates lag behind adults in other age groups. We found two organizations with initiatives actively addressing this disparity. Have you collaborated with these organizations? Are you poised to do so? We welcome stories and ideas. And both initiatives need you.
PIRGs New Voters Project addresses one of the hurdles to young adults’ participation – they don’t know they need to register ahead of Election Day in most states.
Organizers have found If the opportunity to register is put in front of them, 18-26 year olds will vote. One of the New Voters Project’s top three recommendations is one that outside groups can help implement. Alumnae, students’ parents, and students’ grandparents can reach out to university administrators with the request for an online registration tool link on as many high traffic university websites as possible. If you take this on, you can be specific: request administrators add a link to the institution’s:
Email login
Athletics page
Campus calendar or student activities webpage and/or
Blackboard or the course assignment interface in use.
The New Voters Project encourages the formation of campus-wide coalitions of faculty, administrators, student groups, and student government to make a student engagement action plan. Maryland, Minnesota and California require public universities to have a voting coordinator and action plans related to turnout. Turnout on campuses in compliance with the law have 4 percent higher turnout than campuses that don’t. See for more recommendations and get their New Voters Project Packet for a sample campaign timeline and guidance on setting goals.
Campus Voter Project with HBCUs and NAACP
As Jeremy and Jason Paul mentioned in their article, Nudging the Youth Vote, youth are not a monolith anymore than Latinx or women voters are. The Campus Vote Project digs into voting patterns and identifies barriers on historically black college and university (HBCU) campuses. The Campus Vote Project (CVP) has worked with 280 colleges and universities in 41 states since its launch in 2012. CVP focuses on community colleges and minority serving institutions where their resources, such as state student voter guides, can have a meaningful impact.
Not surprisingly, historically black colleges and universities have often had contentious relationships with local election officials. Candidates and third party organizers have tended to reach out intermittently and at the last minute. Working with the Campus Voter Project early on in the election cycle to introduce candidates and increase awareness of ballot referenda at minority-serving higher-ed institutions could be the beginning of rewarding, long-lasting relationships!
Grassroots group leaders and volunteers can also help match college students with CVP’s national student advisory board. Check their website for more details.
The priority deadline to apply has passed, yet candidates will be considered on a rolling basis, until the positions are filled. To apply:
Questions can be directed to
Contributors to this article include Barbara Berns, Loren Siegel, and Martha Merson
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