An Interview with Julie Greenberg, co-founder of the Collaboration Project
Q. What motivated you and the others to start working on a grassroots leaders directory?
Julie: Since 2017 the energy and drive of Democratic grassroots activists have been awe-inspiring. With the 2024 political showdown looming, many of us feel a palpable hunger to take our fight to a new level by connecting the dots of grassroots groups nationwide.
Q. What is the goal of the project?
Julie: To that end, one of the Collaboration Project’s first goals is to develop a directory of leaders of the largest and most active grassroots groups nationwide, leaders whose networks encompass many other groups.
Q. What have you done so far and what are next steps?
Julie: The next steps for the team developing the directory will be to reach out to the leaders of the 100+ grassroots groups identified to date – in and of itself an incredible number! -- to add in large and active groups that have been overlooked.