This article provides a thoughtful example of how trust and cooperation can be built between party and grassroots. How exciting to be at the forefront of such heightened levels of collaboration between traditional organization and innovation. It is extremely difficult for bureaucracies to reinvent themselves, yet that's often what needs to happen for the success of the mission. The infusion of grassroots organizations and their very different means of interacting with the environment is an invitation to disrupt that, handled skillfully working together will lead to increased success for Democrats.

Collaboration brings an important unintended benefit to our democracy: with more and more people participating comes increased investment. As we've been painfully reminded in recent years, democracy requires our participation. Grass roots organizations meet people where they are at, often provide a variety of training opportunities and make use of volunteered time and talents - it's low risk yet satisfying for participants who gain knowledge and friendships, and feel a sense of accomplishment. They serve as a welcoming gateway into democratic action that yields voters, candidates and donative dollars for the party.

For many reasons, the working relations developed by grassroots organizers and local parties deserves study and reflection!

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Our Bay Area Coalition also leads twice-weekly Zoom phone banking into the critical California House Districts (and battleground states AZ & NV) so volunteers can join us from home to win back the House. Our experienced coaches train volunteers thoroughly. The House majority runs through CA.

Bay Area Coalition also leads training on effective voter messaging and active listening so volunteers can be as productive as possible. The Bay Area Coalition Messaging Library provides messages in the 3V format to help connect with voters. Please join us to canvass, register voters, and phone bank for battleground states and House Districts -- and for our many trainings:


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