Great and proactive. May I also suggest: Valadao voted for Medicaid cuts to pay for tax cuts for billionaires. Tell him NO! Previous message may be a call to action, but I think we also need to point the finger more directly.

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The signs in the article were not actual signs that were put in place. They were examples of the kinds of signs that we could do. The idea is that before there is a vote on Medicaid cuts there would be billboard telling Valadao (or other GOP members of Congress) to vote no. Then after he votes for it, there would be billboard like the one you suggest.

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Yes, great wording

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Awesome content .. we can’t give up the ship .. old school methods still work, they just can’t be exclusively all you do.

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Super Post! There was also a truck with an Ad on the side sent into MTG district which could be moved from location to location...

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This is the Best News I've heard in a long time!! Your post is Full of Good Information and ways folks can Actually Help. I'm going to add; Pass this Information along, post this article on your Substack page, and let's get the Good Word Out!! Thank You, for your post this morning ☕ and will reStack ASAP 💯👍🇺🇸

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I agree, Gene. We need to be on our phones to congress and other decision-makers as well...writing editorials, letters to the editor, gathering with neighbors. I am using my sidewalk chalk and making another banner today.It's way past time to get loud.

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Local Democratic messaging that is free and unavoidable -- this is the way!

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Best advice since the dictator started dismanteling America like a hungry Hannibal Lecter Instead blaming democrats you suggest the tools that can be used to save America THANK YOU

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Smart strategies. And no reason not to use social media also.

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Deepak Puri of Democracy Labs suggests getting on the social media forums used by GOP House Reps and putting out accurate information about what MAGA is doing. That will be read by followers of the Congressperson It's hard to target specific geographical areas with social media, but going on the House members' own social media is extremely targeted.

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FYI CA27 had a similar billboard up when they won against Steve Knight and it said: "Steve Knight voted for X, ask him why!" it has the same effect but also calls for people to put the rep on the spot and if their constituents ask them WHY they did something, they are less inclined to want to do them b/c it makes them look bad and they don't want the interaction

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Smart. Did the billboard include his phone number?

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No, i think they didn't want to be accused of encouraging people to text and drive. But it got the message across for sure

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