Lately we’ve been baffled by headlines. No matter what Biden accomplishes, the news is lackluster at best. When a January jobs report showed over 517,000 new jobs created and unemployment at levels not seen since we put a man on the moon, the Boston Globe headlined: "Jobs Report Doesn't Erase Recession Threat."
Examples of this are visible in the mainstream media outlets, as well in rightwing publications. At the end of last year, The Washington Post treated its readers to “The 10 Worst Things the President Did in 2023.”
It is no secret that studies show negative news sells, driving up circulation and ratings. We find the situation so ridiculous that we might as well laugh as wonder at the negative coverage. Then we realized, Grassroots Connector readers could probably do as well or better as the headline writers at reporting good news with faint praise and condemnation. In the tradition of Mad Magazine, National Lampoon, and The Onion, we propose the first DIY collection of ironic headlines about Biden and the Dems.
Here are a few from The Grassroots Connector team to get our collection started. What are yours? Please add to the Comment section!
· Biden Finds Cure for Cancer, Not Soon Enough
· Economy Is Good – Biden Family Eats Organic Eggs for $8 a Dozen
· My Predecessor? – Biden Forgets Trump's Name 13x in the SOTU Address
And if you find yourself still shaking your head at the headlines, take a news break. Or better yet, subscribe to the Grassroots Connector!
Susan W, a Grassroots Connector contributor, suggested, Biden hit it out of the park, but it was too far over left field
We're going to use this as an icebreaker for our next meeting! So creative!