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This was great! Thank you so much.

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Greetings Melinda Levens

The Democrats are going to “lower rents.” What have you been smoking? Rents are not getting lowered by anyone, even landlords.

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I just tried to share on FB and was refused. Has anyone else had that problem?

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I’m extremely disappointed that neither of them discussed poor people. They keep talking about the middle-class. I’ve never been middle-class and I don’t have children so I won’t get a child tax credit. What is she doing for single childless people? Zero just like the Democrats always ignore. I’m so sad and just stay home and not vote.

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Hi Dot, I noticed that emphasis on middle class too. I think it's strategic. Class in the US is so tricky. People who are working class or poor don't always identify that way. I also don't have kids and a lot of the time taxes feel like a rip-off. But I also don't expect to show up in a campaign speech for a wide audience. The important thing is to keep lines of communication open with my elected officials, locally and the ones that go to DC. I let them know my priorities, I vote, and I work for causes that are important to me. What are some of the issues that you would like to see addressed? Elder care options?? More incentives for people who don't drive a lot?? I'm curious to hear more.

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Don’t despair Dot. Their administration sees us and plans to help lower rents and home affordability, bolster social security, medicare and medicaid, the cost of prescriptions, to raise taxes on the obscenely wealthy and make tax cheats pay their fair share. This won’t happen overnight it’s taken its hold since Ronald Reagan was elected to evolve to where we are today.

I’m in the same boat, but I plan to be out knocking on doors and attending rallies to get these fine everyday people elected to the highest office in our country as well as down ballot Democrats.

Voting is a superpower and if you don’t exercise yours, while you’re afraid that you aren’t being heard, you’ll be helping to usher in the end of being able to vote and not have your vote count at all if project 2025 is enacted

You have to fight to win you have to vote to win. Complacency will just get you more of the same

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