I am a postcard writer who volunteers with NEAZ Native Democrats. It is a great group with which to work and I truly feel like I am making a difference! (I am also a donor).

I am frequently frustrated by my mostly white, fairly affluent suburban neighbors who can't be bothered to vote even in a presidential election - I'm in NC where we have no-excuse absentee ballots and 18 days of early voting in addition to election day itself. In 2020 because of Covid, they almost doubled the number of early voting sites -IIRC there were 4 sites within 5 miles of my house. Yet we got nowhere near the voter turnout reported in this article!

Also, check out this Twitter post from 2020 comparing the AZ map showing the location of the AZ tribal lands vs. a "heat-map" by precinct showing which areas in AZ voted blue: https://twitter.com/Deb_manuel/status/1325101219472269313?s=20

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I know what you mean, Cheryl. I wonder if there's something you want to write about the affluent (or not so affluent) suburban neighbors who can't be bothered to vote. I am thinking about conversations wherein the "I'm not going to vote" person indicated wanting to stay away from politics. I detected the view that all politicians are corrupt and that the corruption is contagious. Best to stay away.

I haven't figured out the perfect way to counter this narrative.

You mentioned post cards. I wonder what the post cards to your neighbors will say or should say.

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Thanks for this story. I am also writing postcards for NEAZ Native Democrats. Liked Cheryl's maps as well - blue areas are the tribes and the urban areas.

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